I feel warm. I feel loved. Being surrounded by people whom I love and care about and knowing that they felt the same way in return, is something really meaningful to me. In reality, there are so many types of friends in ones life. Do u feel the same way sometimes?
1. There are friends yang kita tahu instantly, we clicked. We feel so calm inside and rase sangat dekat. Sometimes, even though baru kenal, tapi rasa macam bertahun kenal. Even though dah betahun kenal, tp mak ai, setiap kali jumpe, cerita tak pernah tak berjela jela. :) The fact that we can share almost everything and tak rasa di-judge at all. Friendship mcm ni is based on tahap keikhlasan and ketulusan seseorang tu. Friendship like this yg kite nak kekalkan sampai kita tua and sampai bila bila.
2. There are friends yang kita rasa, kita kene control and tapis before we act or say anything. Situation macam ni biasenye we are left with no choice. Certain situation or certain places we are in yang menyebabkan kite harus berkawan no matter what. These are people who sometimes can be judgmental without them realizing it. But we love being around them, just feeling ni tak dapat dielakkan and sometimes rasa macam bukan diri sendiri. This can be frustrating jgk kadang.
3. There are friends who change along the way as we grow. Different environment causing kita untuk matang dan membesar dengan cara yang berlainan. Way of thinking. When this happen, we just need to respect each other's opinion and kalau dah tak boleh bawak, we shall continue hidup dengan cara masing2. After all, takde dasar paksaan dalam berkawan kan.
4. There are friends yang kita boleh sekadar berkawan. Bak kate orang, berkawan biar seribu, berkasih biar satu. :p Ke tak kene? hehe. There are so many different types of people in the world. Jangan sesekali expect semua orang suke kita or kita harus suka semua orang. C'mon la. Be rasional. Tp all we need to do, is respect.
5. There are friends who are only close to you for benefits. Ini sangat x dapat diterima. We can be nice to people but everything has it limits. Sekali dua takpe lagi, kadang2 bila kita sendiri dapat rasa and sampai orang lain pun boleh perasan, pedih juga hati kadang kadang kan. Friends like this, I'm not sure we should call them friends, but as far as I'm concern, all we can do is stay away. In friendship or any kind of relationships, we should always believe in 'Give and Take'. Bukan dari segi harta karun je, but also our heart. Taking advantages on people is one value that you wouldn't want in your character.
Who am I to judge other people kan. Tapi I'm a friend to my friends too and I always hope to be the best friend they ever had. When I'm friends with someone, I'll be as honest and truthful as possible to maintain the love in our friendship. If I don't feel comfortable being friends with a person or sense something is not right, I rather not say anything and stay away. This is just something that I thought that I could share based on my own experience and from others too.
I am thankful for all the best of friends I have which I love very much.
Enough said.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Holiday's ending soon.
2 more weeks to go.
Yeay! but at the same time, *sigh!*
Hectic classes are waiting for me,
New subjects,
More work loads,
More stress.
The bright side is,
Get to spend more time with my friends over there,
discovering new places,
jalan jalan cari makan,
having more fun,
and lots more! :)
And yes! Right now I'm thinking to makeover my bedroom. I'm planning to clear things sikit. Nak rein vamp sikit. Ingat nak paint it white, tapi macam banyak kerja pulak rasanya. We'll see how things go.
2 more weeks to go.
Yeay! but at the same time, *sigh!*
Hectic classes are waiting for me,
New subjects,
More work loads,
More stress.
The bright side is,
Get to spend more time with my friends over there,
discovering new places,
jalan jalan cari makan,
having more fun,
and lots more! :)
And yes! Right now I'm thinking to makeover my bedroom. I'm planning to clear things sikit. Nak rein vamp sikit. Ingat nak paint it white, tapi macam banyak kerja pulak rasanya. We'll see how things go.
i would love for something all white and airy like this.
Till then,
Monday, December 13, 2010
Tag I'm It
1) selalu bangun pagi pukul brape?
tak tentu. today 10am. :)
2) ramai kawan laki ke kawan perempuan?
i think more rapat to girls. tapi kenalan macam sama rata.
3) bila 1st time korang bercinta?
16 tahun. puppy love bak kate org. :p
4) tau memasak x? masak ape? (paling superb lah yg korang tau masak)
oh sedang berjinak jinak. paling nak bangge, seafood spagetti with cream sauce. :)
5) pkara paling lucu pernah blaku dlm hidup korang
oh so many! tp xde lah sampai extreme sangat malunye. i'm a very clumsy person sometimes so malu2 ni dah adat and terbiase. :p
6) pkara paling gila pernah korang buat
drive to penang x tdo satu malam. then otw balik perlis (mase study dulu), the driver almost telelap while driving. fuish. mmg kite pn x fikir panjang kan time tu. anything can happen babe!
7) jawatan korang time skolah (menengah)
paling advance time form 5, setiausaha badan pengawas. :p
8) selalu keluar dgn member x? brp kali dlm sebulan?
oh skarang slalu jugak x terkira. dulu mase schooldays, dibenarkan hanye sbulan skali ok? :)
9) dgn kawan2 gune bahasa aku/sy/nama sndri ?
depense on the person yang i tgh cakap tu.
10) dah berpunya ke belum? if dah , brp lama kenal si dia.
right now, belum berpunya. insyaAllah kalau ditakdirkan, satu hari nanti? :)
11) pkara yg korang paling pantang skali ape? means mmg korang x suke lah
people with no manners n cakap besar. turn off gile.
12) if ada org yg baru dikenali minta no tel , apa respon korang?
biasenye not comfortable la nak bagi. unless perempuan xpe. if guys normally kite buat2 elak je unless rapat.
13) bile ada duit je , korang suke beli ape?
1-makan best best!
2-wallet or purse
14) nama glamor korang time skolah
nadia rustham je la kot? :p
15) korang selalu habiskan kredit (sms/call) kat sape?
hehe. ade lah.
16) sudah tercapaikah hajat korang?cite la hajat ape
kat ruang kanan blog ni ade list. tgk la ea. :p
17) ape yg paling korang geli gila2 gelilah !! huhu
taik. especially lembu. eeww. haha.
18) pernah accident/injured (teruk) x slama ini?
accident pernah. time 5 tahun, my mom emergency break and i tak pakai seatbelt. hidung langgar dashboard and darah teruk gile sampai satu baju berlumuran darah. until today, bebile die nak darah, die darah je.
then after 2 weeks dapat license, accident langgar kereta orang. sbb seriously x perasan the car is coming! aih..phobia jdnye x drive few weeks.
19) perkara yg paling menarik minat korang? sampai korang lupe kt bf/gf/husben/wife lah! huhu
bile tgk the kardashians.
20) perkara terakhir sekali yg korang nak buat kat dunia ini
senyum dgn kehadiran semua yang tersayang disekeliling and mengucap dua kalimah masyahadah. insyaAllah..
this was yesterday. during fatin's phootoshoot with elly and pitt.
saje selitkan gambar ni for today's post. :p
my kuantan sweethearts. :)
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The Rest is Still Unwritten
Assalamualaikum blog.
Result dah keluar..
..pagi tadi.
Membatasi apa yang diexpectasi. Hehe. Punah bahasa melayu. :p
Result dah keluar..
..pagi tadi.
Membatasi apa yang diexpectasi. Hehe. Punah bahasa melayu. :p
Teringat balik time mule mule masok Shah Alam haritu.The first day itself dah down kan kite sbb so many subjects time diploma tak boleh dibuat pengecualian kredit. Padahal previous seniors cakap boleh. Tp sbb code subject tukar sikit so tak boleh. Do you know how much time will be wasted?
Dalam minggu pertama tu, bertungkus lumus dengan S,(my roommate,classmate,soulmate) tunggu depan bilik ketua program hari hari (sbb die slalu takde time kami pergi) sbb nak cadang tukar course Applied Chemistry. Course yang sy amik skarang Pure Chemistry. Ada sedikit kelainan dalam subject2 die. And Applied Chemistry cuma 2 tahun bagi pemegang diploma seperti kami. Pure Chemistry, 2 stengah tahun. Tp alangkah sedihnye bile Ketua Program (akhirnya dapat jumpe selepas hari ke 4 and berjam jam menanti) die kate, course tu dah penuh. Tak kisahlah pointer diploma kami berapa. Die sikit pun tak pandang transkrip kami.
Sedih and down gile time tu. The first week of class memang kalut sampai missed banyak jugak kelas dah sbb dengan harapan mmg berkobar kobar nak tukar course.
The second week dah mule mencapai tahap kesedaran and redha, maybe segale yang berlaku telah ditulis. Mungkin mmg takdir sy utk amik course Pure Chemistry. Mungkin masa depan sy akan lebih cerah kalau amik course ni. Macam macam mungkin punye thoughts la dalam kepale ni. Classmates baru pun pening tgk kami. Nak buat kawan pun acuh tak acuh. Sbb kami pun macam tak interested. Sibuk pikir nak tuka course sangat. Haih. Tapi akhirnya, decided to just go on , stay focus and no matter what course I'm in, I'll do my best and make myself proud one day. After all, tak banyak beze pun actually. And in the end, get to now my new classmates, sangat sempoi and best semuanye. :)
Alhamdulillah I was thinking straight at that time. So sepanjang sem ni mmg buat ape yang kene buat, banyak jugak main, banyak jugak enjoy nye tp Alhamdulillah, berkat doa restu (hee), kite dapat 3.89 for this semester. :)
Thanks lecturer2 yang baik and helpful sangat. So far mmg takde problem dgn lecturer2 Shah Alam. I guess all of them are the best among the best. Kawan2 yang sentiase di sisi n menceriekan hati and of course parents yang tak putus putus kasi bantuan zahir dan batin. Hehe.
Congratulations to S jugak sbb kiterang nye pointer pun lebih kurang je. :)
Congratulations to S jugak sbb kiterang nye pointer pun lebih kurang je. :)
This will be a boost for me to work even harder next semester, InsyaAllah.
Friday, December 10, 2010
You Make My Heart Go..
Wow dah lame tak tulis.
I've been busy. or making myself busy. :p
So, what's new?
Skarang ni tgh menanti result! Ya Allah hanye Tuhan yang tau betape kecutnye perot ni. Semua lemak lemak boleh pecah tau tak.
Pagi tadi lepas kelas tuition kimia utk adik adik, tros lari naik atas sbb dapat call dari my classmate saying that result dah keluar. Ape lagi. Dup dap dup dap mmg tak kire dah. Bukak bukak,
page cannot be displayed.
try punya try tak dapat bukak lagi sampai la ke petang.
and tadi malam die keluar ni pulak kat student portal,
I've been busy. or making myself busy. :p
So, what's new?
Skarang ni tgh menanti result! Ya Allah hanye Tuhan yang tau betape kecutnye perot ni. Semua lemak lemak boleh pecah tau tak.
Pagi tadi lepas kelas tuition kimia utk adik adik, tros lari naik atas sbb dapat call dari my classmate saying that result dah keluar. Ape lagi. Dup dap dup dap mmg tak kire dah. Bukak bukak,
page cannot be displayed.
try punya try tak dapat bukak lagi sampai la ke petang.
and tadi malam die keluar ni pulak kat student portal,
Final Examination Results for Semester 1 2010/2011 will be sent through email to all students on 10th Dec 2010. The Final Examination Result can also be accessed beginning 9.00 am, 10th Dec 2010.
and right now, at 1.17am, makin nerbes la saya. Mane taknye, one of my friend cakap die baru dapat email result die.
Hoping all will be fine.
Amin Amin
ps. And oh! tadi tetibe terfikir2 kejap on what to do with my new rented room in Shah Alam, and tetibe terfikir yg I want a plain red bedsheets for my bed. Yang comfy comfy punya. Obviously will be looking for it in Ikea. ;)
Seriously dah semakin tak sabar utk pulang ke sane..
And I don't know why, tibe2 terkenangkan nasib, everything yang happen dalam hidup kite ni, is it all because of diri kite sendiri ke, takdir ke, memang dah tertulis ke, sbb orang lain ke..or cemane?
And tibe2 rasa macam nak fikir am I a bad person? I'm not sure where do all these negative feelings are coming but I certainly felt this way right now. Can you feel happy but also all alone at the same time? Sometimes I do. I don't understand myself sometimes. I am being myself, living with no bad intension to others at all, trying to have a good life, with good people around me, wants a life filled with love and be loved, trying to be all positive most of the time. Do u just have to judge? Hmm. Oh romeo, please appear someday and come safe me from this misery.
And I don't know why, tibe2 terkenangkan nasib, everything yang happen dalam hidup kite ni, is it all because of diri kite sendiri ke, takdir ke, memang dah tertulis ke, sbb orang lain ke..or cemane?
And tibe2 rasa macam nak fikir am I a bad person? I'm not sure where do all these negative feelings are coming but I certainly felt this way right now. Can you feel happy but also all alone at the same time? Sometimes I do. I don't understand myself sometimes. I am being myself, living with no bad intension to others at all, trying to have a good life, with good people around me, wants a life filled with love and be loved, trying to be all positive most of the time. Do u just have to judge? Hmm. Oh romeo, please appear someday and come safe me from this misery.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Alhamdulillah today was fine!
takde trip pakai kasut tinggi, takde kantoi sangat peluh2. hehe.
takde trip pakai kasut tinggi, takde kantoi sangat peluh2. hehe.
Dengan ini, saya, Nadia binti Mohd Rustham, telah secara offically menjadi seorang graduan
Diploma in Industrial Chemistry, UiTM Perlis dengan 2 bintang kecil kat sbelah nama. Woots! Alhamdulillah :)
Still a long way to go. Skarang degree, lagi 2 tahun. InsyaAllah ada rezeki, would love to continue towards Master or even Phd. Aim high girl. :)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Coast to Coast
and hey..
It's been 4 days pakai braces. :) Since then,
1 type of food je yang boleh makan that is soft food. I miss eating chicken..beef..all I do now is suck their taste and throw them back out. Hah.
2 is the number of sahabat sejati that I've discovered. Toothpicks and mirror. :)
3 is for the number of blisters dalam mulot.
Ok. Braces is not something fun at all. I know..my sis had warned me..but..as they say..no pain no gain? ;p
I'm off to KL tomorrow. Despite all the things happened this week, the bright side is, both my mom and dad will be attending my graduation. Alhamduliilah. We'll be leaving to Perlis on Saturday. My graduation rehearsal will be on Sunday and the graduation will be on Monday morning. I still don't know what to wear. Still deciding. I guess I'm gonna pass on the dress from Zleqha. Maybe next event perhaps? Maybe pakai je la ape ade kot. Takde mood sangat nak melaram pun.
Tapi I'm all excited to meet my diploma classmates! I'll be staying at the same hotel as Jhan, Syeri and Syaza! Super excited. :)
I just hope everything will be fun and memorable. I hope takde la trip ke ape time atas pentas nnt. AHA. Nightmare!
Till then,
and hey..
It's been 4 days pakai braces. :) Since then,
1 type of food je yang boleh makan that is soft food. I miss eating chicken..beef..all I do now is suck their taste and throw them back out. Hah.
2 is the number of sahabat sejati that I've discovered. Toothpicks and mirror. :)
3 is for the number of blisters dalam mulot.
Ok. Braces is not something fun at all. I know..my sis had warned me..but..as they say..no pain no gain? ;p
I'm off to KL tomorrow. Despite all the things happened this week, the bright side is, both my mom and dad will be attending my graduation. Alhamduliilah. We'll be leaving to Perlis on Saturday. My graduation rehearsal will be on Sunday and the graduation will be on Monday morning. I still don't know what to wear. Still deciding. I guess I'm gonna pass on the dress from Zleqha. Maybe next event perhaps? Maybe pakai je la ape ade kot. Takde mood sangat nak melaram pun.
Tapi I'm all excited to meet my diploma classmates! I'll be staying at the same hotel as Jhan, Syeri and Syaza! Super excited. :)
I just hope everything will be fun and memorable. I hope takde la trip ke ape time atas pentas nnt. AHA. Nightmare!
nah. muke gigi besi. :p |
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Ending
Hidup ini adalah satu pinjaman daripada Allah S.W.T.
Setiap yang hidup pasti akan mati.
Setiap satu kelahiran pasti akan diiringi dengan satu kematian.
Allah Maha Besar,
Allah Maha Penyayang.
Tepat jam 5.40 petang, tanggal 23 November 2010, Tok Abah telah kembali ke Ramatullah. Mungkin Allah tidak sanggup lagi melihat penyeksaan yang harus dilaluinya dan dengan itu, Allah Maha Penyayang, telah mengambil kembali jasad yang pernah dipinjamkanNya kepada kami semua selama 80 tahun. Waallahhualam.
Sebagai hambaNya, dengan rendah diri memohon doa keatasNya supaya menempatkan nenekanda tercinta di kalangan orang orang yang beriman, mengampunkan segala dosanya dan memohon supaya kesemua ibadatnya diterima Allah S.W.T. Amin.
Setiap yang hidup pasti akan mati.
Setiap satu kelahiran pasti akan diiringi dengan satu kematian.
Allah Maha Besar,
Allah Maha Penyayang.
Tepat jam 5.40 petang, tanggal 23 November 2010, Tok Abah telah kembali ke Ramatullah. Mungkin Allah tidak sanggup lagi melihat penyeksaan yang harus dilaluinya dan dengan itu, Allah Maha Penyayang, telah mengambil kembali jasad yang pernah dipinjamkanNya kepada kami semua selama 80 tahun. Waallahhualam.
Sebagai hambaNya, dengan rendah diri memohon doa keatasNya supaya menempatkan nenekanda tercinta di kalangan orang orang yang beriman, mengampunkan segala dosanya dan memohon supaya kesemua ibadatnya diterima Allah S.W.T. Amin.
Lots of love.
You will be missed.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Mind Over Matter
I was reading through a friend's page in facebook. I found this :
be who you are and say what you feel , because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind..
It is true? I guess there's no such thing as rules, what u should or shouldn't do, what to say and what not to say. I shall stop thinking too deep and take these words as an inspiration. And I hope you do too.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Lately my entire family tgh menjalani hari hari yang very hectic. My grandfather has been admitted back into the hospital and this time his condition is getting worst. Despite that, I still pray for the best and deep in my heart I do hope he'll recover as the way he was before. Alhamdulillah, Mak Long, Pak Long, Mak, Abah, Mak Lang and Pak Lang are returning from Mekkah this Friday. They'll arrive Kuantan on Saturday. I guess my grandfather has been waiting for their kepulangan all along. He's now breathing with the help of a pump because the doctor said his heart is not able to pump mcm biase on its own anymore. All we can do now is pray and selalu bisikkan 2 kalimah masyahadah kat die so that he'll always remember his stand.
I do wish that everything will be just fine.
Hmm. Where's my stand? What should I react to this kind of situation? Should I just follow? Certainly never been here before.
your grandchild.
Lately my entire family tgh menjalani hari hari yang very hectic. My grandfather has been admitted back into the hospital and this time his condition is getting worst. Despite that, I still pray for the best and deep in my heart I do hope he'll recover as the way he was before. Alhamdulillah, Mak Long, Pak Long, Mak, Abah, Mak Lang and Pak Lang are returning from Mekkah this Friday. They'll arrive Kuantan on Saturday. I guess my grandfather has been waiting for their kepulangan all along. He's now breathing with the help of a pump because the doctor said his heart is not able to pump mcm biase on its own anymore. All we can do now is pray and selalu bisikkan 2 kalimah masyahadah kat die so that he'll always remember his stand.
I do wish that everything will be just fine.
Hmm. Where's my stand? What should I react to this kind of situation? Should I just follow? Certainly never been here before.
your grandchild.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Determined Realist
Determined Realists like to bear responsibility and welcome challenges. They are stable, reliable persons. External contacts are very important to them; they mix well and are very active. They are excellent organisers and are very happy when things are done correctly and punctually; they can quickly react impatiently if others are not as conscientious, orderly and dutiful as they are. They prefer structured work which produces visible results quickly to abstract, long-drawn-out processes. Determined Realists have no problem with routine as long as it serves efficiency. However, they very much dislike unexpected and unpredictable occurrences which mess up their careful plans. Once they have committed themselves to a cause they do this with dedication and are willing to make considerable sacrifices for it.
Determined Realists do not avoid conflicts and criticism but face up to them and look for solutions. As they have a keen eye for the errors and shortcomings of others and are often quick at expressing criticism, they sometimes rub people up the wrong way especially when they lose their temper and jump to conclusions. Due to their marked sense of justice they are quickly willing to correct themselves and never take offence if someone speaks to them frankly. You do not have to seek hidden motives with them; you always know where you are. Determined Realists are often found in executive positions as they combine commitment, competence and the ability to assert themselves. In their spare time, they often also accept responsibility in clubs and other institutions.
Get career advice for the Determined Realist
Traditions rate highly with Determined Realists. They attend every family event and never forget a birthday or wedding anniversary. Family and friends are very important to them. With their open, communicative manner, they find it easy to get to know people and have a large circle of friends and acquaintances. They are never superficial, but reliable and loyal friends who are always there when they are needed. Determined Realists take their relationships very seriously - they dream of finding a partner for life. In a love relationship, they seek above all stability and loyalty and here, too, they are willing to invest a lot in a harmonious togetherness. Determined Realists master crises or difficult phases with composure; they would never think of breaking a promise given. As a partner, one can always rely on their support.
Get relationship advice for the Determined Realist
Determined Realists do not avoid conflicts and criticism but face up to them and look for solutions. As they have a keen eye for the errors and shortcomings of others and are often quick at expressing criticism, they sometimes rub people up the wrong way especially when they lose their temper and jump to conclusions. Due to their marked sense of justice they are quickly willing to correct themselves and never take offence if someone speaks to them frankly. You do not have to seek hidden motives with them; you always know where you are. Determined Realists are often found in executive positions as they combine commitment, competence and the ability to assert themselves. In their spare time, they often also accept responsibility in clubs and other institutions.

Traditions rate highly with Determined Realists. They attend every family event and never forget a birthday or wedding anniversary. Family and friends are very important to them. With their open, communicative manner, they find it easy to get to know people and have a large circle of friends and acquaintances. They are never superficial, but reliable and loyal friends who are always there when they are needed. Determined Realists take their relationships very seriously - they dream of finding a partner for life. In a love relationship, they seek above all stability and loyalty and here, too, they are willing to invest a lot in a harmonious togetherness. Determined Realists master crises or difficult phases with composure; they would never think of breaking a promise given. As a partner, one can always rely on their support.

Everything Has Its Explaination
My assumption was wrong. I guess I do behave like a little child sometimes. Matured sangat la kan. Dad explained to me the real reason why he's hesitating on giving me the thing that I wanted. He said if he's going to spend a large amount of money on that thing, he just has to be satisfied. He wasn't really keen of the doctor's professionalism. That's all. He said I'm dealing with my physical appearance issue right now and what happen if the doctor cincai cincai buat. Am I going to deal with the consequences. So this morning he took me to his choice of doctor. The doctor used to be our neighbour right before he and his family shifted to a bigger and beautiful mcm resort punya house. ;p So off we go. I can see where he's going. The doctor is established and even his clinic looks better than the one I went yesterday. When my dad told him my intension, the doctor took a look at my teeth, belek sane belek sini and he said it can be done. The price too doesn't differ much from my choice of doctor but slightly higher sikit je. Dad said he didn't mind as long as he feels satisfied with what he's paying. My choice of doctor didn't even take a look at my teeth when we met him yesterday. All he said, yes he's doing it and he can do it for me. It won't take too long and he told us the total amount of the process. All these points were explained to me by my dad this morning. It's alright with me. He knows best after all. :)
So, the doctor took an x-ray of my teeth and letak something to get the shaped of my teeth. It's called molding if I'm not mistaken. My next appointment will be this coming Tuesday where he's going to pasang the bracket already. Oh my god! I'm actually super excited. :) Can't wait to get my teeth straighten. Lepas ni dah tak payah risau bibir terlekat kat gigi taring bile ketawa tak hengat dunia. Hee.
So, the doctor took an x-ray of my teeth and letak something to get the shaped of my teeth. It's called molding if I'm not mistaken. My next appointment will be this coming Tuesday where he's going to pasang the bracket already. Oh my god! I'm actually super excited. :) Can't wait to get my teeth straighten. Lepas ni dah tak payah risau bibir terlekat kat gigi taring bile ketawa tak hengat dunia. Hee.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Life is Unfair
I'm the type of girl that wants alot of things in life. I mean it. ALOT. I guess all human being are the same. When I took ECO 415, it's called, scarcity where human wants are unlimited and impossible to fulfill. Well I'm no different from that fact. Somehow it's good to say that the things I want, I'll try my best to achieve or get it all by myself. I seldom asked for it from someone. Someone like my parents. Somehow at this stage of life, I was taught enough on responsibility and not to asked for unnecessary things. I was not born in a golden spoon honestly speaking. All we had was just enough. Maybe slightly higher than enough but there's no room for splurging on luxury items or things like that. I get that and has no problem with that. I am comfortable in the way of life we're living now. Alhamdulillah. But the one time I've asked for something for quite some time, and it's something beneficial for future purposes and logically to be asked, I felt like the process is so hard for them to fulfill. It's so frustrating. It's not fair.
I'm the type of girl that wants alot of things in life. I mean it. ALOT. I guess all human being are the same. When I took ECO 415, it's called, scarcity where human wants are unlimited and impossible to fulfill. Well I'm no different from that fact. Somehow it's good to say that the things I want, I'll try my best to achieve or get it all by myself. I seldom asked for it from someone. Someone like my parents. Somehow at this stage of life, I was taught enough on responsibility and not to asked for unnecessary things. I was not born in a golden spoon honestly speaking. All we had was just enough. Maybe slightly higher than enough but there's no room for splurging on luxury items or things like that. I get that and has no problem with that. I am comfortable in the way of life we're living now. Alhamdulillah. But the one time I've asked for something for quite some time, and it's something beneficial for future purposes and logically to be asked, I felt like the process is so hard for them to fulfill. It's so frustrating. It's not fair.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Salam Aidiladha
Selamat Hari Raya Qorban loves.
My Raya Qorban story this year is nothing extraordinary. Raya Haji tapi spend time tgk movie kat panggung. :p
Honestly raya haji kat Kuantan ni takde la semeriah like in Kelantan or Terengganu kan. It's just like any other day unless memang u took part dalam proses penyembelihan. Kot? Well, that's what I thought. :p Mase kecik kecik dulu, time duduk kat area Alor Akar slalu excited pagi pagi raya pakai baju kurung semua ( I dari kecik mmg suke melaram. orang lain biase relaks je pagi raya Qorban :p) then pergi kat hujung kawasan tgk pak cik pakcik and abang abang semelih lembu. Pernah sampai nangis sebab lembu tu still hidup and lawan lawan even leher die dah kene potong. :( Pastu depan rumah kat padang, sehari sebelum raya tu slalu je nampak lembu kene ikat kat pokok. Sayu je muke die. Sometimes, ade yang sampai mengalirkan air mate. Ya Allah, nak je rase pergi sane nak cakap and tenang2 kan lembu tu. *sobs* tapi takot kene sepak or terajang ke kalau lah tetibe lembu tu mengamuk kan. Mane lah tau.. *fantasy dalam kepale otak kene sepak ngn lembu*
Then naik skolah menengah, pindah kat area Selamat ni, every year Qorban mesti lepak rumah Shadiah sbb bapak die slalu jadi antara orang yang semelih lembu ni. Then rumah die slalu gotong royong buat kenduri buat makan daging lembu. Sodap gulai kawah lembu Qorban.. fresh and lembut je. :) *tetibe rase kejam lak cakap camni :(* time tu la nak catch up catch up story dengan die bagai. Haah. Rindu pulok.
Then dah masok Degree ni, ley pulak spend the Raya Qorban kat cinema. Heh. Went with my parents and lil sister to watch 'Let Me In'. The story was ok. Not boring. Cute at times. Terkejot banyak kali jugak. Tapi the movie slalu capture my interest la. Kalau boring, pergi tengok. I sarankan. :)
It's a story about a 12 years old vampire girl. Kire kene jugak la tema Qorban kan. Except cerite ni sal Qorbankan manusia for blood. :D
Early in the morning tadi spend time kat rumah Tok Umi and Tok Abah dulu la kan tapi. My grandad was looking fine and I still pray and hope he'll be better soon. Maksu and Abang Nuar were looking after him when we left.
And now, I just got back from minum2 with my girl Ili Aisyah just to catch up things. I do miss u girl. Glad we met. We've been good friends since I was 7 and glad that the friendship kekal sampai skarang.
Till then,
My Raya Qorban story this year is nothing extraordinary. Raya Haji tapi spend time tgk movie kat panggung. :p
Honestly raya haji kat Kuantan ni takde la semeriah like in Kelantan or Terengganu kan. It's just like any other day unless memang u took part dalam proses penyembelihan. Kot? Well, that's what I thought. :p Mase kecik kecik dulu, time duduk kat area Alor Akar slalu excited pagi pagi raya pakai baju kurung semua ( I dari kecik mmg suke melaram. orang lain biase relaks je pagi raya Qorban :p) then pergi kat hujung kawasan tgk pak cik pakcik and abang abang semelih lembu. Pernah sampai nangis sebab lembu tu still hidup and lawan lawan even leher die dah kene potong. :( Pastu depan rumah kat padang, sehari sebelum raya tu slalu je nampak lembu kene ikat kat pokok. Sayu je muke die. Sometimes, ade yang sampai mengalirkan air mate. Ya Allah, nak je rase pergi sane nak cakap and tenang2 kan lembu tu. *sobs* tapi takot kene sepak or terajang ke kalau lah tetibe lembu tu mengamuk kan. Mane lah tau.. *fantasy dalam kepale otak kene sepak ngn lembu*
Then naik skolah menengah, pindah kat area Selamat ni, every year Qorban mesti lepak rumah Shadiah sbb bapak die slalu jadi antara orang yang semelih lembu ni. Then rumah die slalu gotong royong buat kenduri buat makan daging lembu. Sodap gulai kawah lembu Qorban.. fresh and lembut je. :) *tetibe rase kejam lak cakap camni :(* time tu la nak catch up catch up story dengan die bagai. Haah. Rindu pulok.
Then dah masok Degree ni, ley pulak spend the Raya Qorban kat cinema. Heh. Went with my parents and lil sister to watch 'Let Me In'. The story was ok. Not boring. Cute at times. Terkejot banyak kali jugak. Tapi the movie slalu capture my interest la. Kalau boring, pergi tengok. I sarankan. :)
It's a story about a 12 years old vampire girl. Kire kene jugak la tema Qorban kan. Except cerite ni sal Qorbankan manusia for blood. :D
Early in the morning tadi spend time kat rumah Tok Umi and Tok Abah dulu la kan tapi. My grandad was looking fine and I still pray and hope he'll be better soon. Maksu and Abang Nuar were looking after him when we left.
And now, I just got back from minum2 with my girl Ili Aisyah just to catch up things. I do miss u girl. Glad we met. We've been good friends since I was 7 and glad that the friendship kekal sampai skarang.
Till then,
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Back to The Old Days
Assalamualaikum :)
Alhamdullillah I'm safely home.
It feels good to be back here.
Even though someone tu dah jauh kat Vietnam. :p
So, I sampai Kuantan yesterday, still haven't unpack ape ape lagi. Ya Allah penatnye and malas nya. Tatau la kenape. Maybe over a month been living a miserable life during the final weeks sampai balik rumah nak buat apa pun malas. Makan je banyak. Like seriously. Semua orang terkejot. Tembam la pasni.. :p
One more thing, my grandfather, Tok Abah, been spending my day today dengan die, with mummy together. He's so sick. :( Tak pernah tgk Tok Abah kurus sampai macam skarang. He can't move his left side of the body and he can barely speak. Sayu sangat hati tgk dia. Tapi today he gets to discharge and kiterang semua bawak die balik pakai ambulans today. He's now resting at his home with Tok Umi and Mak Su's family around. Will be visiting him again tomorrow. I hope all is well.. InsyaAllah and amin..
Tapi sementara nak tunggu Tok Abah discharged pukul 6pm tadi, around 4pm, me and mom dah macam penat sangat and we went out for lunch. Lepas makan macam still got time sikit so I proposed to mom ape kate kite masok kedai Kak Lin (Zleqha) just somewhere around the hospital area, mana tau ada baju sesuai for my graduation nnt. Oh btw, my graduation ceremony is on the 29th November back in UiTM ARAU! Super excited for it. Nak meet up with old friends and all. I miss you all! :) So, masuk masuk, Ya Allah cantiknya baju dia semua. It's actually a busana muslimah moden boutique and all designed by Kak Lin herself. Mom's bestfriend's eldest daughter. So, I tried this one piece. Can't seem to jumpe the exact one dalam Zleqha's fb, tp it looks something like this..
Tapi the one I tried top die color cream with little light brown polcadots. Honestly speaking, keluar2 fitting room yang sangat cosy tu, trasa cam British princess lak bile jalan2 keluar. Mummy pun cakap. HAHAK. perasan mode kejap. :p But I decided not to buy it on the spot sbb takot macam semacam over pulak kalau pakai this for graduation. :( Tapi my mom suke sangat so we say we'll be back after raya haji. What do u think?
Alhamdullillah I'm safely home.
It feels good to be back here.
Even though someone tu dah jauh kat Vietnam. :p
So, I sampai Kuantan yesterday, still haven't unpack ape ape lagi. Ya Allah penatnye and malas nya. Tatau la kenape. Maybe over a month been living a miserable life during the final weeks sampai balik rumah nak buat apa pun malas. Makan je banyak. Like seriously. Semua orang terkejot. Tembam la pasni.. :p
One more thing, my grandfather, Tok Abah, been spending my day today dengan die, with mummy together. He's so sick. :( Tak pernah tgk Tok Abah kurus sampai macam skarang. He can't move his left side of the body and he can barely speak. Sayu sangat hati tgk dia. Tapi today he gets to discharge and kiterang semua bawak die balik pakai ambulans today. He's now resting at his home with Tok Umi and Mak Su's family around. Will be visiting him again tomorrow. I hope all is well.. InsyaAllah and amin..
Tapi sementara nak tunggu Tok Abah discharged pukul 6pm tadi, around 4pm, me and mom dah macam penat sangat and we went out for lunch. Lepas makan macam still got time sikit so I proposed to mom ape kate kite masok kedai Kak Lin (Zleqha) just somewhere around the hospital area, mana tau ada baju sesuai for my graduation nnt. Oh btw, my graduation ceremony is on the 29th November back in UiTM ARAU! Super excited for it. Nak meet up with old friends and all. I miss you all! :) So, masuk masuk, Ya Allah cantiknya baju dia semua. It's actually a busana muslimah moden boutique and all designed by Kak Lin herself. Mom's bestfriend's eldest daughter. So, I tried this one piece. Can't seem to jumpe the exact one dalam Zleqha's fb, tp it looks something like this..
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the one on the right |
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I know korang akan cakap, "Graduation je kot...."
But somehow, I wanna look cantik sikit la on that day. Tanak la pakai kurung yang pergi kelas hari2 tu..HEE. Bukan slalu graduate and tangkap2 gambar yang ley gantung kat dinding ni kan? Hee..
What should I wear..
Friday, November 12, 2010
Was too tepu to study already and..
roommate was fast asleep..
and got nothing better to do..
entertained myself dengan menyanyikan lagu Adamaya's theme song. *tapi kena nyanyi slow slow. :p*
Typical romantic, lovie dovie song tp nak tanak,
tetap rasa the song is sweet la jugak kan? Hehe.
So, nak memburukkan keadaan lagi, I decided to upload it here. So, kalau nak dengar, dengar lah. Version meleret sikit. :p
Much love,
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Activation Energy
I don't know what's going on with my luck, but somehow I'm just going through a bad time for the past few days.
Let me tell you why.
1. My handphone charger punya kene gigit with abang's rabbit, Romeo sampai putus dua. Dah la charger original. And once again its either kene beli baru or pinjam orang. My 3rd time buying a new charger this semester. Aritu beli sbb terlupe bwk balik sini la, tertinggal la, so beli 1 yang ciplot, dah rosak. the 2nd one bijak sangat pergi tinggal kat Kuantan and the 3rd one on the way. Haih. Duit lagi.
2. I misplaced my license somewhere. Either tercicir bile jalan2 kay KL that day or it's somewhere in the car. Tapi so far, tak jumpe lagi. Mintak2 la akan jumpe. Hurmm.
3. On a very tight budjet. I thought dah habis class and musim final ni will use less money. But tanggapan sy silap. Time final ni la slalu nak super stress. After each paper mesti nak watch movie. Time study2 non stop kat rumah ni la nak stress. So bile time to eat, slalu dah makan best2 kasi released stress. But normal la tu kan? Heh. But at the end of the day, my weekly expenses selalu lari lately.
4. And right now I'm forcing myself to finish studying Physical Chem. The last paper, mood pun banyak dah hilang. Half of my mind has been thinking bout nak buat ape time cuti nnt. Can't really focus honestly speaking. All I can do is motivate motivate and keep motivating myself. If bukan I nak motivate diri sendiri, sapelah lagi kan? ;p
I don't know what's going on with my luck, but somehow I'm just going through a bad time for the past few days.
Let me tell you why.
1. My handphone charger punya kene gigit with abang's rabbit, Romeo sampai putus dua. Dah la charger original. And once again its either kene beli baru or pinjam orang. My 3rd time buying a new charger this semester. Aritu beli sbb terlupe bwk balik sini la, tertinggal la, so beli 1 yang ciplot, dah rosak. the 2nd one bijak sangat pergi tinggal kat Kuantan and the 3rd one on the way. Haih. Duit lagi.
2. I misplaced my license somewhere. Either tercicir bile jalan2 kay KL that day or it's somewhere in the car. Tapi so far, tak jumpe lagi. Mintak2 la akan jumpe. Hurmm.
3. On a very tight budjet. I thought dah habis class and musim final ni will use less money. But tanggapan sy silap. Time final ni la slalu nak super stress. After each paper mesti nak watch movie. Time study2 non stop kat rumah ni la nak stress. So bile time to eat, slalu dah makan best2 kasi released stress. But normal la tu kan? Heh. But at the end of the day, my weekly expenses selalu lari lately.
4. And right now I'm forcing myself to finish studying Physical Chem. The last paper, mood pun banyak dah hilang. Half of my mind has been thinking bout nak buat ape time cuti nnt. Can't really focus honestly speaking. All I can do is motivate motivate and keep motivating myself. If bukan I nak motivate diri sendiri, sapelah lagi kan? ;p
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Assalamualaikum and Olla.
Just reached Shah Alam from Damansara (my eldest bro's place). Drove all alone, all the way. Since I'm studying in Shah Alam, kinda get used living and doing things alone. Compare to those days, mane pernah berani kemane mane jauh jauh alone except going to work during my practical training days. No matter what, I need to be really independent now and this is what life will teach you from day to day. Something new each day.
So, throughout my stay at abang's place, smalam dapat try masak Sweet and Sour Prawn. It's a last minute thing and due to semua malas keluar for dinner, I took the effort to cook. Yeay! Proud of myself sikit. :p then this afternoon before I left, I managed to prepare myself a decent homemade fish & chips. :) Fine. Sume pun bende frozen, tapi I took the effort to menggoreng and all la kan. Hehe.
Wanna take a look? :p
I seriously need to study now tapi I tend to get distracted real easy. Like right now. Haihhh. I'm going out for dinner with Ghah's gang tonight somewhere in USJ. The place is called Murni. I heard the food there are really cheap and serve dalam very big portion. It's gonna be a food feast tonight! Wohoo! :)
Then I seriously need to start studying Physical Chemistry. -.-
Just reached Shah Alam from Damansara (my eldest bro's place). Drove all alone, all the way. Since I'm studying in Shah Alam, kinda get used living and doing things alone. Compare to those days, mane pernah berani kemane mane jauh jauh alone except going to work during my practical training days. No matter what, I need to be really independent now and this is what life will teach you from day to day. Something new each day.
So, throughout my stay at abang's place, smalam dapat try masak Sweet and Sour Prawn. It's a last minute thing and due to semua malas keluar for dinner, I took the effort to cook. Yeay! Proud of myself sikit. :p then this afternoon before I left, I managed to prepare myself a decent homemade fish & chips. :) Fine. Sume pun bende frozen, tapi I took the effort to menggoreng and all la kan. Hehe.
Wanna take a look? :p
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The picture might not look tempting but sodap la jugak tau? :p |
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:) |
I seriously need to study now tapi I tend to get distracted real easy. Like right now. Haihhh. I'm going out for dinner with Ghah's gang tonight somewhere in USJ. The place is called Murni. I heard the food there are really cheap and serve dalam very big portion. It's gonna be a food feast tonight! Wohoo! :)
Then I seriously need to start studying Physical Chemistry. -.-
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Fired Up
I could see things clearer now. I can see where my life is leading me and I am even more passionate dlm handling my goals and dreams.
I'm gonna stick with this.
Time Will Reveal
Finally.. a real post.
I'm kind of bored. The throat & headache is killing me. I've been suffering from this sore throat since I woke up this morning and this headache.. sbb tertidur after Asar till 8pm!
Serve me right.
My parents have been busy with Tok Abah. He's currently really ill and I hope everything will be ok soon. Amin. I don't really know what to write actually cause there's nothing much I could share. It's just I need to remind myself that I need to start studying starting tomorrow. I've been resting for 3 days and time is running out. So girl, do what u have to do alright? :)
Goodnight then peeps.
Love ya..
I'm kind of bored. The throat & headache is killing me. I've been suffering from this sore throat since I woke up this morning and this headache.. sbb tertidur after Asar till 8pm!
Serve me right.
My parents have been busy with Tok Abah. He's currently really ill and I hope everything will be ok soon. Amin. I don't really know what to write actually cause there's nothing much I could share. It's just I need to remind myself that I need to start studying starting tomorrow. I've been resting for 3 days and time is running out. So girl, do what u have to do alright? :)
Goodnight then peeps.
Love ya..
Monday, November 8, 2010
The Finale
- Day Ten: One confession
I'm broke. I have RM9 to survive till end of the week.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Go Ahead & Smile
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Chill. 8 is Just A Number
Day Eight(tipu sunat lagi): Three turn ons.
1.Honest people.
2.Happy go lucky people. <3
3.A breath of fresh air.
1.Honest people.
2.Happy go lucky people. <3
3.A breath of fresh air.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Day Seven: Four turn offs
1.people who talks besar sebesar besar alam.
2.people who is disrespectful.
3.people who tends to force other people.
4.mint sauce in my food. ergh.
1.people who talks besar sebesar besar alam.
2.people who is disrespectful.
3.people who tends to force other people.
4.mint sauce in my food. ergh.
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